martes, 10 de septiembre de 2013

Second term

My ideal job.

My ideal job probably would be something that let me travel around the world. I don't need to earn a lot of money, but I want to enjoy what I do. I would like to help people wherever I go. 
I want to be volunteer in some institution as "Cruz Roja" or "Medicos sin Fronteras" and travel on a motorcycle and taking photos for Sudamerica and Africa.
If I want to work at this I would need to be a doctor or a nurse, or maybe in the last case, I would need to have taken some classes in the subjects I need to help somebody. I would need to be strong too, because, maybe, I would see some terrible images. 
I think this would be a good job because it'll let me help others and feel that I'm doing something for this world. Maybe I make someone happy, and that's enough.
Find this kind of job isn't very hard because it's the kind of job that nobody wants to do, or if they want, they don't really try it, because everybody knows that if you work at this you'll never be able to have a big house or buy an expensive car. 

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