martes, 29 de octubre de 2013

How green are you?

Actually I don't know much about environmentally friendly practices, that's because in my school didn't promote this kind of practices, I mean, they try, but just with little campaigns that didn't really help in the day life. The thing is that I really like all this ecologist kind of life, I believe is the correct way to live in balance with the earth, but I don't practice. Why? because is difficult, it's take time, and mostly it's expensive. I wish I can use the bike everyday, but I'm from a little city so I'm not used to the number of cars there are in Santiago, so my mom is scared that somebody hit me.
Someday, when I work I would like to be part of an organization, but till then I will be supported campaigns, some bigger than others. I think the organization is important for everything if we have a common purpose, and for ecologist that's it's really necessary because the earth need, in first place that every human being have have in their conscience that everything we do until now it's hurting our planet, and in second place that the government be commitment with the cause, and we need organization for that.
Lately my mom had like an ecologist madness and she want to buy a compost to recycle organic waste, but she didn't do it yet. I hope she can do it soon.
I think Santiago needs to calm down for a moment, stop, stop been hurried, stop running, stop the madness angry, because when we do that we'll can take our bikes and go to our school, university and work peacefully, slow and happy. We have to stop seen this ecologist thing as a waste of time because we live relatively good. We have to look to the future, because soon or later all this will have consequences.

miércoles, 23 de octubre de 2013

Actually I want to vote. Why? Because in my family this is very important. As a family we think is our right and duty. My mom saids that if we want to change something we have to try in everyway, not only participating in marches.
My opinion is that the candidates spend a lot of money in them campaigns, and that, for me, is ridiculous. Why don't they spend it in make this country a better one? Because if we put together of the money of the nine candidates, is a LOT of money.
To be a person with a public position, in the first place you have to be charismatic. And second (in my opinion) you have to be honest, because I think in better listen the true that listen nice things but false.
When I was a kid I consider becoming a politician, I wanted to be president, I thought that I can change the world in that way, but now I don't. I think the president it's just the face, and he/she can't do much.
I don't know much about my district, because I change it recently. Last year I voted in Los Andes, but now in Santiago :((

martes, 15 de octubre de 2013

Article from the Guardian

The new that I selected it's about Neanderthals. The article explains how, unlike the common thought, the Neanderthals didn't live in the same period of time that the Homo sapiens.

The scientifics used to think that the Neanderthal and the Homo sapiens lived together in Eurasia, but a new finding in fossil bones of two sites in Spain, affirm that the first one is much older than they thought. 
They used to think that the Neanderthal disappear around 30,000 years ago and lived in the Spanish peninsula. The scientifics supposed that they mix their DNA with Homo Sapiens, and with that, explained why the modern human (especially european people) have traces of Neanderthal DNA.

But, a new research, using an improved dating method, reported that the Neanderthal lived in Spain until 45,000 or 50,000 years ago approx.

This problem around if the Neanderthal and the Homo sapiens share time and space has divided experts. With this new information some believe that the reason of the genetic link between this two subspecies is that they have a common ancestor that travel to Eurasia from Africa, but in differents periods.

Personally, I think this is very important to know how we are who we are, how we get here.

martes, 8 de octubre de 2013

My Favorite Artist

I don't think I have one, because usually like the song but not necessary the artist, and at the same time I like a lot of band and singers, but in the last time I'm more into electronic music, so if I have to choose only one DJ I think I'll prefer Avicii. 
Avicii is a Swedish DJ that plays electronic and house music. His real name is Tim Bergling and in the last 3 years has became in one of the most populars DJ of the world.
Why I like his music? Because makes every moment a better moment. This music has energy but at the same time is peaceful and relaxing. You can dance with it or you can rest and even sleep. 
My favorite song is "Silhouttes", I really don't know why, maybe because when I listen it everything feels right, instantaneously everything is happy, and marvellous (and also I love the video).

martes, 1 de octubre de 2013

A day to remember

It was december 14th, 2012. It was one of the largest days of my life (till now). My best friend and I wake up at 5 a.m, take a bath and run to the train station. The night before we prepare our bags and food for a camping of 3 days, we were ready for everything (yeah right). In the moment that we close the door of my apartment, the odyssey begins
We were to load up but we couldn't stop, we were late. We take the subway, and descend in "Estación Central", but as we were carrying a cooler and we had to drag it,  it take us a lot of time to get up there. When we finally could buy the tickets, there only was for 2 hours later, so we have to wait. In the station we found a lot of friends so suddenly our group of 2 becomes a group of 8. We take the train. I was very excited and happy. I couldn't believe that in a few hours I would be in the place that for months I was dreaming. 

After the train, we had to take a minibus, and when we did that, we lost the rest of the group, but we didn't care, we were so close. We descend of the minibus and starts the worst walk ever. We had to walk under the sun for like an hour with a lot of baggage, a cooler and a tent. 

We made it. We finally arrive to Mysteryland (yeah I know, it isn't very deep) and It was only 10 a.m, we had the entire day ahead. The line was eternal but when we get inside we turn into a pair of crazy persons. We ran, we ran a lot. 
When we calm down we instal our tent and with that we put in pause our lives.
The rest of the weekend is history.

martes, 24 de septiembre de 2013

My dream country

One of my favourite things in the whole world is be relax and sleep a lot, but also I love to hang out and go to parties. That why I would love to visit Brazil. There, at day, I could go to beach, swim, rest, and look at the amazing landscapes. And at night I could go to clubs or go to dancing in the streets.

Brazil is a country of Latinoamerica with tropical weather and very nice and cheerful people. In this country is very common see people with tiny clothes or in swimming suit. Also, at night, in some cities or towns, celebrates small parties at the street with people dancing around. In this country there are, also, a lot of tropical animal, which ones are very colourful and weird. 

But even though I always love this green country, I'll go only in plan of vacations, because I think that maybe it'll lost the "shine" for me. It like when someone lives at the beach, those people don't go every day at the beach so desperately during the holidays as the people who live in Santiago or in any city without beach.

martes, 10 de septiembre de 2013

Second term

My ideal job.

My ideal job probably would be something that let me travel around the world. I don't need to earn a lot of money, but I want to enjoy what I do. I would like to help people wherever I go. 
I want to be volunteer in some institution as "Cruz Roja" or "Medicos sin Fronteras" and travel on a motorcycle and taking photos for Sudamerica and Africa.
If I want to work at this I would need to be a doctor or a nurse, or maybe in the last case, I would need to have taken some classes in the subjects I need to help somebody. I would need to be strong too, because, maybe, I would see some terrible images. 
I think this would be a good job because it'll let me help others and feel that I'm doing something for this world. Maybe I make someone happy, and that's enough.
Find this kind of job isn't very hard because it's the kind of job that nobody wants to do, or if they want, they don't really try it, because everybody knows that if you work at this you'll never be able to have a big house or buy an expensive car.